Pre-2020 articulation arrangements

Students are encouraged to consider applying for credit under UOW's Credit for Prior Learning Policy upon application for a course.

The following outlines the agreed articulation pathways for students undertaking a second postgraduate qualification. The articulation arrangements are for eligible students who commenced their studies between 2015 and 2019. Students who are commencing their studies in 2020 or beyond, must refer to 2020 starting articulation arrangements. Students are advised to speak to their Head of Students for initial advice.

Students applying to progress to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree must meet the minimum work experience requirements required for entry.

UOW Course Articulation

Graduate Certificate as first degree

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 2 subjects, 12 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 10

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Business

Second degree: Master of Business

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: ACCY801 (INTI: TBS801), BUS802, MGNT803 (INTI: TBS803), MARK804 (INTI: TBS804)

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 8

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Business

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 2 subjects, 12 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: 12 cps MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 10

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Business

Second degree: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management/ Project Management)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: ACCY801 (INTI: TBS801), MGNT803 (INTI: TBS803), MARK804 (INTI: TBS804), OPS802 (INTI: TBS802)

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 8

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Business Coaching

Second degree: Graduate Diploma in Business Coaching

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MGNT863, MGNT864, MGNT865, MGNT965

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 4

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

Second degree: Master of Business (HRM specialisation)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MGNT803, MGNT908, MGNT930, MGNT969

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 8

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 3 subjects, 18 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MBA 903, plus 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4+9

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Marketing

Second degree: Master of Business (Marketing specialisation)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MARK804, MARK935, MARK936, MARK920

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 8

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Marketing

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 3 subjects, 18 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MBA 902, plus 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4+9

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 2 subjects, 12 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 10

First degree: Graduate Certificate in Public Relations

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 2 subjects, 12 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 4 + 10

Graduate Diploma as first degree

First degree: Graduate Diploma in Business Coaching

Second degree: Master of Business Coaching

Credit granted towards second degree: 8 subjects, 48 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MGNT863, MGNT864, MGNT865, MGNT965, MGNT966, MGNT967, MGNT987, MGNT988

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 8 + 2 (totalling 72 cps)

Master's as first degree

First degree: Master of Business (any specialisation)

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MBA 908, 2 MBA electives plus the following depending on MBus specialisation completed: IB: MBA 902; Mark: MBA 902; HRM: MBA 903; Fin Mgmt: MBA 901; Mgmt: MBA 907.

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 8

First degree: Master of Business (any specialisation)

Second degree: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management/ Project Management)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps (those who complete OPS908 or OPS935 within the MBus may receive up to 6 subject, 36 cps)

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: OPS801, MGNT803, MARK804, OPS922 (potentially additional credit for OPS908 and OPS935)

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 8

First degree: Master of Business (Financial Management)

Second degree: Master of Applied Finance

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: FIN924, FIN958, FIN907, ECON940

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 8

First degree: Master of Business Administration

Second degree: Master of Business (any specialisation)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: ACCY801, MGNT803, MARK804, MGNT922

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 8

First degree: Master of Business Coaching

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: MBA 903; MBA 908, 2 MBA Electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 10 (72 cps) + 8

First degree: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management/ Project Management)

Second degree: Master of Business (any specialisation)

Credit granted towards second degree: 4 subjects, 24 cps (those who complete OPS808 (INTI: TBS808) or OPS935 within the MSc may receive up to 6 subject, 36 cps)

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: ACCY801 (INTI: TBS801), MGNT803 (INTI: TBS803), MARK804 (INTI: TBS804), OPS922 (potentially additional credit for OPS808 (INTI: TBS808) and OPS935)

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 8

First degree: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management/ Project Management)

Second degree: Master of Business Administration

Credit granted towards second degree: 3 subjects, 18 cps

Subjects granted as credit towards second degree: Strategic MBA 908 plus, 2 MBA electives

Subjects needed to complete both degrees: 12 + 9